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Introduction: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Blocked Drain

Overlooking a blocked drain can lead to severe problems in your home. Neglecting blocked drains can lead to a range of problems, including foul odours, obstructed water flow, severe structural damage, and health risks.

Ignoring drain clogs can disrupt your drainage system, leading to water backups and pooling on your property.

Blocked drains, if not addressed, worsen in warm climates, becoming hotspots for bacteria and posing a threat to property integrity.

Ignoring blocked drains heightens the risk of electrical issues, wood rot, mould, and pest invasions. This guide will detail how regular drain cleaning and professional services can avert these potential damages and health risks.

Identifying the Signs of a Blockage

Several indicators may signal you’re experiencing a blocked drain:

  • Water draining slowly from sinks, tubs, and shower drains indicates potential blockages.
  • Gurgling sounds coming from pipes when water drains
  • Sinks and/or tubs taking longer than usual to empty
  • Toilets flushing sluggishly or not draining completely
  • Unpleasant sewage odours around drains or the presence of foreign objects
  • Water pooling around your sink drains or backing up from them can damage your surfaces

Recognising these symptoms is crucial to maintaining obstruction-free drains and ensuring smooth water flow in your pipes. If left untreated, blocked drains can lead to burst pipes, water damage, and sewage backups; timely intervention can prevent these serious issues.

Addressing early signs of blockages with drain cleaning services is crucial to prevent severe plumbing issues. Upon observing any symptoms, our team can swiftly locate and remove clogs using specialised tools to restore water flow.

Immediate Impacts Like Backups and Flooding

Blocked drains immediately disrupt your home by causing water backups due to debris accumulation. Ignoring clogged drains can result in a drain can cause significant backup issues, with water starting to pool around drains and potentially flooding indoors from sinks, tubs, and floor openings.

Such backups can lead to home damage and hazardous conditions resulting in slip-and-fall accidents. Standing water can quickly damage flooring and baseboards due to water saturation and mould growth. If carpets get soaked, they usually need replacement. The costs add up fast, especially if structural repairs are needed.

In basements and crawl spaces, it’s important to note water can short out electrical systems and appliances, necessitating expensive repairs or replacement. Wood furnishing and supports also readily decay and can also cause interior distress when subjected to excessive moisture.

Should your sewer lines become obstructed further down the system, a blocked drain can result in sewage backing up into the home. Exposure to these neurotoxins can present serious health risks to your household through direct contact or indirect contamination of living spaces.

Bottom line – it’s important to remember that ignoring drain issues can lead to water damage, high repair and remediation costs, mould issues, and health hazards to your family from sewage backups and flooded areas if left unchecked.

Longer-Term Damage to Your Home’s Structure

Promptly addressing blocked drains is crucial to prevent persistent moisture from causing structural damage over time. Leakages can compromise drywall, erode foundations, rot wooden beams, and destabilise the soil beneath the home.

Insurance data, including figures from the Gold Coast, show the average claim for water damage in Australia exceeds $15,000. The costs stack up quickly with professional mould remediation and a cleaning service, replacing water-logged materials, extensive repairs to the home’s core structure, and potential hotel stays during renovations.

Continuous leaks allow moisture to seep into wall cavities and floor spaces, impeding necessary water flow. Moist conditions underpin mould growth, dispersing spores that contaminate living spaces and impact respiratory health. Mould remediation can significantly affect your living space by requiring removal of sections of walls/floors.

Swampy soil around pipes can destabilise your home’s foundation and cause water backups. This soil settlement causes concrete to crack and shift, affecting critical anchor points. As movement worsens over time, walls start to crack and can cause water to become unable to flow, eventually necessitating foundation repairs.

In worst case scenarios with severe, long-term blockages, the structural integrity gets compromised to the point where homes may need condemnation or demolition/rebuild. Swift action to address these issues can mitigate steep repair costs and prevent property destruction.

Health Risks from Mold, Bacteria and Pests

Blocked drains foster hazardous mould growth and become breeding grounds for disease-carrying pests.

Accumulating moisture and overlooked mould can lead to severe problems as these spores proliferate in concealed areas like wall interiors and subfloors. It’s important to note that exposure to mould can cause health issues like wheezing, sneezing, and aggravated asthma. Mould remediation, critical for your health, requires extensive repairs to your walls and floors and, in severe cases, home demolition if the infestation is out of control.

Additionally, standing water draws pests such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, and rats that seek water sources. These pests carry diseases like salmonella and leptospirosis, and they can also foster the spread to humans via surface contamination. Rats are also aggressive and should be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent potential bite wounds, transmitting bacterial infections.

Overlooking persistent drain blockages can give rise to significant health hazards in your home environment if not addressed promptly. Seek a plumber’s help to clear clogs promptly before conditions deteriorate, potentially leading to mould and pests invading your home or business.

Environmental Harm from Sewage Overflow

Overflowing drains from your home can result in sewage spillage into local parks, waterways, and ecosystems, contributing to environmental damage. When wastewater pipes become clogged, sewage has nowhere to go and ends up spilling down your surrounding areas.

Raw sewage introduces harmful bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and nutrients into bodies of water as it flows unchecked down your drains. Such contamination adversely affects aquatic life by disrupting the balance of their habitats. Without intervention, the constant sewage spills can damage your pipes and cause entire ecosystems to collapse.

Sewage also poses numerous public health risks when people come into contact with contaminated waters. Gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory infections, rashes, and hepatitis are just some of the illnesses people may contract. Livestock and pets are also vulnerable when exposed.

By taking actions that help keep blocked drains at bay on your property, you mitigate environmental damage and health risks before sewage can reach and taint local bodies of water. Your household plays a crucial role as environmental stewards. Don’t allow small drain issues to spiral into ecological disasters down the line.

How to Safely Clear Simple Drain Blockages

For minor blockages caused by food scraps, you can safely unblock your drain at home with the following methods:


A plunger can dislodge lightweight debris, effectively managing sink or toilet obstructions. Securely place the plunger over the drain opening and vigorously pump it 10-20 times to apply pressure and dislodge the obstruction. Often, this will pop out or break up the obstruction.

Handheld Auger

Utilise an affordable handheld drain auger, or drain snake, to dislodge and extract blockages like hair soap scum, and grease and oil buildup deep within your pipes.

Insert approximately 1 metre of the auger’s coil into the drain, twisting the handle to dislodge common blockages like hair and debris. Turning the handle compresses the clog until it disintegrates or comes loose into the snake.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

For minor bathroom sink clogs, pour 60 ml of baking soda followed by 125 ml of vinegar down the drain to clear blockages. This creates a chemical reaction that helps loosen the clog over 10-15 minutes so you can then flush out with very hot water.

Avoid using caustic chemical drain cleaners which can cause plumbing damage over time. If DIY methods fail, and only professional drain cleaning can rectify the issue, or water starts overflowing, contact a professional plumber for regular maintenance to keep your plumbing in top condition and to mitigate health hazards and extensive damage.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

In some cases, it’s advisable to seek a professional plumber for blocked drains rather than attempting DIY solutions.

If persistent clogs from tree root infiltration plague your pipes, professional drain services may be required to inspect with specialised cameras. Tree roots, for example, can infiltrate pipe joints underground and require high-pressure water from hydrojetting to remove.

Likewise, if you experience sewage backups or water overflowing from drainage systems into your home, contact a licenced plumber immediately. Such situations necessitate specialised equipment and expertise to comprehensively clear blockages from your plumbing.

Backflows also necessitate an urgent response, as sewage can rapidly spread bacteria throughout living spaces. Professionals have tools to capture and dispose of dangerous waste safely before thoroughly sanitising affected areas.

Addressing blocked drains quickly can prevent the need for intensive procedures like pipe replacements, which require specialised skills and machinery. Improper repairs can get more complicated, leading to leaks, cave-ins, and more costly repairs.

With over 25 years of experience, our team at Carlingford Plumbing offers prompt and reliable emergency drain cleaning services for even the most complex plumbing issues. Whether it’s clearing blockages, investigating pipe damage or tackling sewage contamination, you can trust our licenced technicians to utilise services can resolve issues thoroughly and prevent future occurrence.

We offer the following drain services:

  • Hydrojet your plumbing system cleaning
  • CCTV drain inspections
  • Trenchless pipe relining
  • Backflow prevention
  • Drainage system repairs & replacement
  • Sewage cleanup & sanitation

Prevent minor drain issues from escalating into health hazards or plumbing emergencies by taking action now. Call Carlingford Plumbing at 1300 349 338 or email jobs@carlingfordplumbingservices.com.au to schedule an appointment with our drain specialists today.

News & Information

Dangers Ignoring Blocked Drain
Dangers of Ignoring a Blocked Drain

Blocked drains can cause significant water damage, mold growth, foul odors, potential sewer line collapse and bacterial contamination leading to health issues if left untreated. Call us today for drain inspection and unblocking.

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In most cases, the landlord is responsible for paying and handling repairs for a blocked drain on their rental property. However, the tenant may be liable if they intentionally cause a blockage by shoving objects down drains or toilets.

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